marketing for your business web site.
Search engine optimization, ranking, and submission by website designer
with SEO experience.
1: Creating An Effective Marketing Site
KEY POINT: There are several things you must think about before you even think
about the original design process.
1st What
might your prospects be looking for when you want them to find
your business? People search the net with phrases that they
enter into the search engines. Knowing which or what "phrases" your
prospects will use gives you a list of "keywords" around
which your site should be built.
2nd You
must understand that search engines look for text data on your
pages to ascertain information, identify, and qualify your
page text for their search engines guidelines and where they "rate" them.
Search engines do not read graphics, so all the attractive
graphics you may put on your site are of no help to being found
or "rated". In fact, graphics get in the way and
impede the loading time on your site, another critical component
of its effectiveness. The Internet is a fast moving world,
and people are impatient.
3rd Good
marketing depends upon target/focus. If you know what your
market is looking for, your site should give exactly that.
If your site has a service or product to offer, you must address
each item directly and as powerfully as possible. Target each
page at a specific group of related keywords.
4th "Dress
to Impress". Your site must be professional looking and
easy to follow. Your customers would not like bad navigation,
misspellings, or an unpleasant screen to look at.
5th Your
site must be designed in a specific way in order for the search
engines to find you and offer your site to the customer as
a "result" of a search. You should rank within the
first 50 sites to have any realistic hope of obtaining notice.
This is where the competition begins, to get your business
in front of the customer, all over the world.
6th You
must be in the business for the duration. The Internet is a
speedy mechanism in many ways, however, there are still delays
in getting established, you must be aware and take this into
account in your marketing strategy. It takes time for many
of the principles that we apply to take effect, and though
there are things one can do to accelerate the process there
is a limit to how fast you can make it happen.
The list of things to consider can go on and on. Being a highly competitive
field, this is a business for specialists. Only professionals who are working
constantly to stay on top of the daily changes in the environment can truly
optimize your site, but the proceeding principals that are outlined can make
your site much more effective.
2: Marketing On the Internet
Does your web site deliver traffic to your business? Marketing your business
over the Internet is a specialized skill and requires careful preparation of
your material in consideration of the particular requirements of the medium.
There are several ways to "get on" the search engines, however, the
best and most effective use is in the skills and knowledge of the person who
does this on a daily basis, and knows what each search engine's requirements
and qualifications are. Search engines are like people and their businesses
change their requirements and qualifications from time to time without notice.
Here are just a few of the major search engines we list for:
Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Lycos, AOL, Netscape, NBCi, Looksmart, Dogpile,
NorthernLight, HotBot, and AskJeeves